and the official John Vorhees Comedy Tour "I'm Peeing My Pants" T-Shirt

both available on my website.
Ok, there is actually a full loserwhiteguy.com store, but these are the two items I bring with me to shows (and whore myself out with for every penny I can get). The online store has a full line of different shirts, hoodies, hats, cups and other cool items (YES... even a thong!)
Regular online pricing for a CD is $11.99 plus shipping & Ts are $15 plus shipping. I do have an online special where you can get both a CD & T-Shirt for only $20 plus $5 shipping.
Here is a limited time special offer I'm only going to make to readers of my blog:
Buy a T-Shirt for $15 and get
What a deal, huh? Just in time for the holidays! (These make great stocking stuffers) This offer will only be available thru December 24th, 2009 so order now!
You can place a secure order online by clicking here or you may order by mail by sending $15 (check or money order) to the address below. Please note shirt size when ordering (L/XL/XXL):
Blog Special
Vorhees Enterprises
PO Box 1364
Sterling, IL 61081
Note- orders by check will ship after check has cleared
If you want the CD autographed please let me know & include who to make it out to (in case you are giving as a gift). Otherwise I will not break the shrink wrap on the CD. Also, the answer is yes... you may order more than one "set".
I'm doing this to raise awareness of the new blog (I'm actaully losing money on this deal)...
Now comes the really fun part... I want you to send me pictures of you using/wearing my swag. I don't care if it's from this special order, an order from my online store or if you got it after a show. Send a pic of you holding my CD, wearing one of my shirts or better yet one of the loserwhiteguy.com thongs!

Be creative! Submit something unique! I may post your picture online. You can email pictures to:
Please include your name, address & any other contact information with you picture submission.
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