"Walmart Really Does Have Everything
Walmart has started carrying caskets online. This in response to Costco offering caskets on their website. Walmart has a selection of 14 caskets as well as a variety of urns for the cremated. Pat Lynch, of the National Funeral Home Director's Association, isn't worried. He says that online retailers don't offer one important thing funeral homes do, the comfort of human contact at a difficult time. I don't know, I think I could call a friend for human contact after saving a couple hundred dollars online. Still, it does have the creepy factor, shopping for a casket at Walmart's website."
I totally understand Wal-Mart selling caskets, I typically want to kill myslef when I go there. I wonder if they have the Sam Walton Special Edition? (go ahead and say it, I really don't care)
I also agree with Mr. Lynch (thank goodness the author of this article referred to him as "he" or else I would be at a loss there... who names their kids Pat anyway? If your name is Pat you should pick up the phone right now, call your parents & tell them to suck it. If they are deceased then go online and pick out a probably poorly made, typical of Wal-Mart items, casket for them)

when he said it is missing the personal touch (with this type of purchase that is an important factor, unless you never liked the bitch anyway). With that in mind Wal-Mart should sell them in store too... you will get that same online experience of both feeling impersonal as well as catching a virus.
I think Wal-Mart is doing this just to ensure their customer's online shopping experience is as creepy as their in store experience.
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