Thursday, October 22, 2009

Is it hypocritical?

Is it hypocritical that I enjoy holiday music and those old stop motion animation holiday specials from TV? I'm sitting here watching "The Year Without Santa Clause" as my 3 year old, Jett, fights sleep. Growing up this was my favorite one... The Miser brothers scared the crap out of me as a tike and I kept coming back for more asking my parents each year when it would be on. I would search TV Guide (remember when it was small enough for a child to hold it?) I'm older now... yet still find them a bit creepy.

I also love the song "Silver Bells" & my favorite holiday movie of all time is "It's a Wonderful Life"... That and "Harvey" are my two favorite Jimmy Stewart films. Both deal with fantasy on different levels. Both are equally enjoyable in their own way. You don't see many feel good movies near that caliber anymore... they are mostly done by Pixar now. Ok, I admit it... a tear came to my eye during "Finding Nemo"... blow me

Why is it that my 7 year old, Damien, falls asleep at the drop of a hat yet Jett fights it with his whole heart? He yawns... even starts to doze off. BOOM! All of a sudden he will pop up and start running in circles! That kid is nuts (must be mine... cancel the DNA testing). I think I'm losing my voice from telling him to lay his head down every couple minutes (then my family would be really happy).

Speaking of Damien, yesterday his school offered free swine flu vaccinations. That's right... SWINE FLU... I refuse to call it HBO1MNOP69, or whatever they named it! Calling it swine flu is not going to keep me from eating bacon... I'm not sure that if bacon became lethal it would stop me from eating it. Bacon rocks! Anyway, he got the shot (note-I mentioned it was FREE). I picked him up that day and he told me it went well, "stung for a second, but didn't really hurt." Good for him because unless they have a pill form I'm not getting it. Don't get me wrong... I'm all for vaccinations. People who don't get their children vaccinated or treated for their illnesses should listen to what Jim Henson has to say about that... Oh wait! He can't talk because he DIED since he didn't believe in using modern science to help him treat illness!!! Cute puppets, but a delsional dumbass! Hey, maybe Miss Piggy gave him swine flu, that bitch. No, my issue is not with some stone age belief of medicine being bad or anything like that. I'm scared shitless of needles!

1 comment:

  1. This is too funny, my son hates needles too. Keep writing John, the sky's the limit!

    Cathy Flock:)
