My last post was on the Boy/Cub Scouts and the issues revolving around them receiving government funding & use of govt. property. There was some good commenting on the post itself, but on facebook there was a long comment thread. I wanted to share the points raised and discussed in the thread, but since it was done via facebook's private messaging system I will have to do a little editing (the names have been changed to protect the innocent). The only things I did was remove photos, remove some smiley code because it was effecting the code that writes this blog & change all references of names to "Person #1-#4" I also changed one name of an outside party. These changes are all in bold with quotation marks. I would have entered this as a reply to my original post, but is was far too large to do so. Below is a copy of the thread:
Person #1 October 27 at 3:36pm Reply
wow...I agree with your article....excellent....and I agree with this woman...'don't ask don't tell' a cub scout..??? so if you believe in God, you are going to be a great american? but if you are must be a communist...sickening.
Person #2 October 27 at 3:36pm Reply
posted on your page:
My opinion? This is a no-brainer. ANY organization which uses government property or accepts government money must abide by non-discrimination laws. The BSA does not do that. Consequently, I did not allow my son to join them.
I find it astounding that any organization which teaches hate as part of its philosophy is not only still in existence, but is a major group for our young men.
WORTH NOTING- the Girl Scouts and related groups do NOT hold the same policies of discrimination at all, but are in fact open and supportive of all people. That means you can still buy girlscout cookies, but you can't buy boyscout seedlings. (grinning)
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 3:42pm
I thought so... Thank you so much for your opinion
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Person #3 October 27 at 3:43pm Reply
I agree 100% with
“Person#2” on this one. If I had a son I wouldn't allow him to join, either.
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 3:44pm
I appreciate alll your replies ... Thank you
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Person #4 October 27 at 3:47pm Reply
how did all the politics get into scouts? i thought it was something for LITTLE KIDS to have fun and learn things like how to survive in the wilderness and how to do good deeds and feel satisfaction from helping the little ol lady across the street. no offense folks but the world is really f*cked and frankly im sick of all the bs that goes along with it..what happened to just good old fashioned fun for kids..why does everyone have to put in their grown up opinions on it and ruin how kids see it and turn it into something stupid
Person #2 October 27 at 3:53pm Reply
One of my neighbors is a BS troop leader who invited
“My Son” to join them... I had to say no, and why. It certainly IS a tragedy that adults have made an otherwise fabulous organization into a haven for the prejudiced.
LoserWiteGuy October 27 at 3:57pm
politics got into it mostly when the church got involved... it started as a gret group for boys. too bad it didn't stay that way. the problem is groups use things like the boy scouts to promote their agenda.... which is fine, but don't expect people who are against this agenda to be part of it. and actually it is more sad than fine, it got ruined when they started excluding. We have to put our "grown up opinions" on things involving our kids ... partially to protect them, to help them grow and learn without a bias hateful opinion (that didn't come out how I wanted, hopefully it makes some sense)... Anyone able to word what I'm trying to say way better? lol
Person #2 October 27 at 4:00pm Reply
>>>Anyone able to word what I'm trying to say way better?>>>>
See my last sentence above yours.
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 4:00pm
“Person #2”, you are always so much better at putting things than I ;)
Person #2 October 27 at 4:02pm Reply
Actually a little editing:
It certainly IS a tragedy that religious adults have made an otherwise fabulous organization for young and teen boys into an exclusionary haven for the prejudiced.
Person #2 October 27 at 4:04pm Reply
Person #4 October 27 at 4:07pm Reply
kids should be kids and should be able to make up their own minds..and us as parents have to play that role..just cuz we believe one way doesnt mean your children have to believe the takes away their innocents and forces them to make grown decisions..i cant spell at the moment or any for that matter so forgive me..but if ur kid wants to be in boy scouts then let that u have instilled in them what you believe and when they grow up they will use all of their experiences to chose the life they want..but for now just let them be kids and do something fun and let them learn from a different outlet..let them have the opportunity to see things for them selves and if they come home with questions then guess parent and sit down and talk to them about it in words they understand..i dont go to church for my own reasons..not cuz i dont believe in God or a higher being.. but because i dont believe in churches..but my kids wanted to experience that and how selfish would i be to deny them that privilege because it goes against my own belief? they ask how come i wont go and i simply tell them when they are old enough to understand then i will share with them..until then if they want to go then go..learn from another outlet..the world is bigger than my little world and they have a whole life to learn and i will never be selfish enough to think it stops with my beliefs..
Person #4 October 27 at 4:15pm Reply
were u in boy scouts or brownies as a kid?
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 4:28pm
I was in cub scouts for a while. Issue is they indoctrinate (I can never spell either) children. A child is not old enough to decide everything, that is the role of the parent. I'm not going to let him eat candy three meals a day either. In certainly not going to have him join a group that he doesn't understand (that childish innocence) that HaS him affirming a god. It is my job to make the choices in his best interest. I do recommend studing all forms of religion. He could visit a church, but I wouldn't let him become a member!
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Person #4 October 27 at 4:34pm Reply
ok...did it mess you up?
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 4:39pm
I was raised Christian... Plus I don't know when their policies changed... Plus I'm not saying it messes people up (did you even read my blog?) what they are doing is wrong.
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Person #4 October 27 at 4:44pm Reply
yes i did..and all i got from it is grown up are being stupid and throwing their own beliefs where they dont belong and that is one of my biggest pet is one thing but this isnt about safety its about power and influence..and btw..i know several boy scouts who are now gay so they suck at teaching those things anyway ..and if you were raised christian and now u have ur own beliefs then see..ur still kickin and ur still funny and u still have friends and ur still an upstanding citizen though ur views have changed from what u were brought up to believe..y..because u experienced things and u made ur own choice on how u wanted to point is..forget what ever it is that they say they do and if ur kid wants to be in it then let him be in it ..its not goin to hurt anything but ur pride and well ur a big boy and u can handle it i am sure ..;)
Person #2 October 27 at 4:51pm Reply
It's not a matter of our pride, "Person #4" in our case, we were not church goers, so they didn't WANT my son as soon as they found that out. That's the point, of course, I'd have let him join if they didn't restrict it to straight people of faith. What's really awful, though, is when a kid IS in the scouts and they discover something that they don't like and eject him.
Furthermore it is ILLEGAL to discriminate and take government money. I don't understand how they are getting away with this, just like the Salvation Army is now pemitted to discriminate when hiring - you must be a Christian or you can't work there. Fine, but then they should not get taxpayer money. Plenty of non-christians are good enough to pay the taxes, we deserve the right to the benefits of them as well.
Person #4 October 27 at 5:04pm Reply
thats not true.. a friend of mine works with salvation army 2 times a week to work with little kids and she is ..well she definatly isnt a church goer..she actually is a huge fan of the insane clown posse and looks and dresses hair huge pants with chains..but she is one of the sweetest most honest people you ever meet..but yes i understand completely what u are saying and no it isnt right at all for them to do it..but every where u look its the same thing just some are more cleverly disguised maybe in my area its just different..i have never been turned away cuz i believe in witchcraft and the more darker side of things ..i believe in God as well..i am only human and i have no right to say what is real and what isnt all i can do is go on my own experiences and in my semi short life i have experienced enough to know not a single person knows what really is out there and shouldnt close their minds to things they think impossible..people are curious about things i believe but no one has ever turned me away or not let my children partake in things..if anything i get hounded more to let them join in with groups or organizations ..i really do understand what ur saying..all i am saying is..politics should never be involved where kids are..they are to young to understand it all and they shouldnt be burdened with the ignorance of it all..they are young and the world takes enough of that away as it is and i just am not happy about it at all..a mom sat across from me and told me how happy she was that schools dont allow the kids to celebrate halloween anymore cuz she didnt want her kid worshipping the took all my might to not go across that table and smack her upside her head and tell her she was one of the stupidest people i had met this week..i bet her ass got to trick or treat when she was a kid ..hmmm..maybe she is a secret devil worshipper
Person #2 October 27 at 5:09pm Reply
I agree with you, as you say "politics should never be involved where kids are". Unfortunately, though, the politics were already there, so all we can do is react according to our own ethics and morals, and work, if possible, to correct the wrong.
Person #4 October 27 at 5:18pm Reply
but still allow them to b kids n the process is all im saying
Person #2 October 27 at 5:20pm Reply
Yes, I agree completely, never suggested otherwise. I just prefer to keep them from being kicked out for no reason... I think that's more hurtful, don't you? Or, taught hate. I can't really abide that.
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 5:21pm
My whole point was on them taking govt. money & using govt. property... not on who they do or do not accept as members (by the way “Person #4”, they wouldn't mind you that much becuase you "believe") That brings me to my other point I must make. You mentioned my beliefs... it is my LACK of belief that they are against. the only thing I stated that I believed was that they should not be allowed to both discriminate & take govt. aide, and isn't that sort of what each church does with it's tax exemption? It is wrong and should be stopped. I'm not saying the boys scouts are bad (I sort of feel that is what you are thinking I mean) The boy scouts are a great group for kids and they do some really great things, problem lies in THEIR politics & beliefs. I just want them to follow the rules they would make any other group (other than churches, as I pointed out) follow.
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 5:22pm
BTW, “Person #4”- I love it when you get all riled up ;)
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 5:25pm
Oh yeah... I have as much right to say there is no gods as they do to say there is... Actually I am not saying anything, they are the ones making a claim (btw, that puts the burden of proof on them). Children believe what they are taught to believe, I chose to teach my children to believe rational thinking and facts & proof. I have nothing against believers (witches are hot, lol) until their beliefs effect decisions that effect us all (oooops, that happens all the time) :)
Person #2 October 27 at 5:45pm Reply
Yeah. What “LoserWhiteGuy” said.
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 5:52pm
So “Person #2”, does that mean you think witches are hot too?
Person #2 October 27 at 6:04pm Reply
Some of them, indeeed they are!
"Characters Removed Due to HTML Code Issues" which means Grin. "Characters Removed Due to HTML Code Issues" is smile, "Characters Removed Due to HTML Code Issues" is evil grin, "Characters Removed Due to HTML Code Issues" is wry grin, etc. It's a holdover from before smilies... and it's so ingrained in me that I type it before I even realize it's gone. It was useful in debate forums to show that you were poking someone rather than being serious. Didn't see your chat question till you were offline.
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 6:18pm
Thank you! See learn something new every day.
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Person #4 October 27 at 6:19pm Reply
lol...witches are hot and so are vamps..and everyone has every right to believe in who and what and how they want i just dont think it should be forced on to anyone and that is what the world is doing which is my whole gripe..but by banning ur children from something for the same reason isnt doin a whole lot better..i understand the govt funding and blah blah blah..but like i said ..its like that everywhere just some are better hiders than others..look at all the corrupt politicians we have ..same thing diff scenerio
Person #4 October 27 at 6:21pm Reply
and no i understand ur not pickin on the bs in general
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 6:25pm
You re missing. He point... We are not banning... They banned us!
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Person #4 October 27 at 6:27pm Reply
well then maybe i need to come and chew someones ass ..then when im done lets see who cant be in something..
Person #2 October 27 at 6:28pm Reply
Exactly, “LoserWhiteGuy”.
Stick around kiddo. I'll learn ya.
LoserWhiteGuy October 27 at 6:37pm
Now we are finally at the point of the matter... They have every right to exclude us, they are a private organization.... But if they do they are not supposed to be allowed to take govt. Funding and use school grounds.
And as far as you chewing anything.. I really didn't want to get into sex on this post ;)
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That is the end of it, at least as of this moment. I'm pretty sure the discussion is basically finished. Feel free to reply with your own comments to this post or the original. Let me also note that the original post had the "Bullshit" episode regarding this topic embedded from YouTube... If you haven't seen it, you should.